1. Vocabulary:

•  to found (founded) - основывать

•  to occupy the leading place - занимать ведущее место

•  the struggle for the unification - борьба за воссоединение

•  to start one's activity - начать свою деятельность

•  ahead - во главе

•  well known - хорошо известный

•  to admire - восхищаться

•  to be famous - быть знаменитым

•  the seat of the Government - место правительства

•  to take place - проходить


Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. There is a monument to Yuri in Moscow. Moscow always occupied the leading place in the history of Russia. Already in the 13th century Moscow was the centre of the struggle for the unification of the Russian lands. The first Russian public theatre, the first - hand written Russian newspaper, the first Russian University started their activity in Moscow.

In 1918 the Soviet Government with V.I.Lenin ahead moved to Moscow from Petrograd and it became the capital of the first socialist state in the world.

Moscow is an industrial, cultural and political centre. It is an educational and scientific centre. There are many institutes, universities, and research establishments in Moscow. The University after Lomonosov, the University of Friendship after Patris Lumumba are well-known in the whole world.

We admire Moscow's fine buildings, palaces, architectural monuments. The museums, art galleries and exhibitions, theatres, historical monuments of Moscow make it very important for world culture.

The Lenin Museum, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of History and Revolution and the famous state Tretiakov Gallery are well-known in the world.

Moscow is the seat of the Government of Russia.

All the congresses and conferences of the state organs take place in Moscow.



2. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык географические названия:

Norway, Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia, Korea, the

Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea, the Okhostsk Sea, the Arctic Ocean.


3. Правильно прочитайте:

•  education, population, revolution, foundation, exhibition, inification, collection;

•  culture, picture, centure, architecture, cultural, architectural.


4. Просмотрите текст и зачитайте предложения соответствующие следующим пунктам:

а) из истории Москвы;

б) Москва - научный и образовательный центр;

в) Москва - культурный центр;

г) Москва - политический центр.