1. Vocabulary:

•  the capital - столица

•  political - политический

•  economic - экономический

•  cultural - культурный

•  commercial - коммерческий

•  financial - финансовый

•  ancient - древний

•  a century - век, столетие

•  to include - включать

•  to consist of - состоять из

•  the West End - Западная часть (Уэст Энд)

•  the East End - Восточная часть

•  the City - Центральная часть (Сити)

•  rich - богатый

•  poor - бедный

•  a bank - 1) берег 2) банк

•  a business office - деловое учреждение

•  to admire the sightseeings of London - любоваться достопримечательностями Лондона

•  the Houses of Parliament - парламент

•  a tower - башня

•  the Tower of London -Лондонский Тауэ р

•  Big Ben - название часов

•  architectural monuments - архитектурные памятники

•  the British Museum - Британский музей

•  the National Gallery - Национальная Галерея

•  Buchingham Palace - Букингемский дворец

•  Westminister Abbey - Вестминстерское аббатство

•  The Nelson Column - колонна Нельсона

•  St. Paul 's Cathedral - собор св. Павла

•  The suburbs of London - пригород Лондона


  2. Переведите следующие слова:

a) to be situated - situation; near - nearly - nearness; administration - administrative; narrow - narrowness; rich -

richness; poor - poorly;

b) narrow - wide; poor - rich; clean - dirty; near - far; famous - unknown; ancient - young; old - new;

•  to include - to consist (of); section - part; due to - thanks to; chiefly - mainly; almost nearly - about; sightseeing's -

the places of interest;


  3. Переведите предложения:

1. This book consists of five parts. 2. London includes three sections. 3. The ancient Kremlin looks very beautiful. 4.

London is an ancient city. 5. Many ancient Russian churches and cathedrals are realy beautiful. 6. St . Paul's Cathedral is

well known in the world. 7. What's the time? It's nearly two o'clock. 8. London is situated on the banks of the Thames

nearly 40 miles from its mouth ( устья ). 9. The West End, the East End and the City are the chief parts of London . 10.

Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world admire the singhts of London . 11. The most beautiful London park -

Hyde Park - is in the West End . 12. The Houses of Parliament are situated in Westminister - in the administrative centre

of London .


4. Прочтите и переведите текст:




London is the capital of Great Britain , its political, economic and cultural centre. London is an ancient city. It is more than 20 centures old. The population of London with its suburbs is more than eight million people.

London is situated on the banks of the river Thames . The river Thames divides the city into two large parts - the West End and the East End . London consists of four important sections: the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster .

The City is a small part of London only one square mile in area but it is a financial and business centre of the country. There are trusts; banks and various business offices here.

Westminister is an administrative centre of London . The Houses of Parliament are situated here. It is the seat of the British Government. The building is very beatiful with its towers and a big clock called Big Ben.

Westminster is famous for Westminster Abbey where kings and queens are crowned. It is just opposite the houses of Parliament. Many famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey, among them Newton , Darwin , Dickens and Kipling. Here are the memorials to Shakespeare and Longfellow.

The West End is a rich part of London . Here you can see the best theatres and cinemas, concert halls and museums, restaurants and hotels, a lot of parks and gardens.

Hyde Park is among them. Rich people live here. The streets are wide and clean, the houses are beautiful. It is a cultural centre of London .

The Fast End is the poorest section of London . It includes ports and docks. It is an industrial centre of London . There are many factories and plants. The streets are narrow. The houses are not beautiful. Poor and working people live here.

London is famous for its interesting places. There are many architectural, art and historical monuments in London such as the British Museum , the Tower of London , the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace , the Nelson Column which is in Trafalgar Square and many others. Thousands of tourists come to London to admire its sightseeings.


4. Answer the questions:

•  What is London ?

•  Where is London situated?

•  How old is London ?

•  What is the population of London with its suburbs?

•  What parts does London consist of?

•  What centre of London is the City?

•  Which section of London is an administrative one?

•  Which part of London is the poorest?

•  What is the West End ?

•  Who lives in the City (in the West End, in the East End )?

•  What can you see in the West End (in the City, in the East End )?

•  Name interesting places of London .


5. Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом.

•  London is the capital of Great Britain .

•  The sections of London .

•  The City - a financial part of London .

•  The West End - a rich part of London .

•  The East End - the poorest part of London .

•  Westminster - an administrative section of London .