1.  Заполните пропуски глаголами can , may , must и переведите предложения.

1. All the students : go home because there will be no meeting after classes. 2. He : help you as he is not busy now.

3. My son : skate very well. 4. I a m sorry, I : leave.5. :I come in? Do please. 6. You : not go to the club today.

You : stay at home because I shall phone to you at 8 o'clock. 7. : I open the window? Yes, you : . 9. You : not

smoke in the children's room.


2.  Глаголы - сказуемые употребите в форме Past / Future Indefinite ,, соответственно изменив модальные


Example : can - to be able to

may - to be allowed to

must - to have to


1. I can do this work. 2. He may go home at five. 3. We must take a taxi. 4. I can help you. 5. You must do this work

your self. 6. The students may go home.


3.  Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в одной из форм Continuous по смыслу.


1. When the telephone rang, I (have) dinner. 2. Where is Peter? He (translate) the text now. 3. Mary (play) the piano

when I arrived. 4. Nick (sleep) in that room now. 5. At 7 o'clock yesterday I (watch) television. 6. At 7 o'clock

tomorrow I (watch) television. 7. They (work) in the garden the whole day tomorrow.


4.  Переведите предложения и подчеркните сказуемое.


1. The teacher has just come. 2. You have already seen this film. 3. They had made dinner by the time we came. 4. The

children will have returned home by 5 o'clock. 5. Nina has just translated the article. 6. We have got a new flat recently.

7. They had done their home work by the time I phoned them.


5.  Заполните пропуски местоимениями some , any , no , every и их производными. Переведите

предложения .


1. He found : new words in this text. 2. I have : friends in this house. 3. She comes here : day. You can find her in

: time between nine and six. 4. If you have : against me, speak out. 5. Have : more ice - cream. Thanks, : more

for me. 6. : day he comes here and asks me the same questions. 7. : was ready. 8. I told you : I had to tell. There is

hardly : to add.

6.  Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива:


•  You must get up early to be in time for the lessons. 2. We sometimes stay at our Institute to discuss the news. 3. One

must study hard to know English well. 4. To translate this text without a dictionary you must know all the new words. 5. It

will take you much time to perform this work.


7.  Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на " ing " формы глагола.


1. I enjoy studying English. 2. They have finished painting our room at last. 3. I know the man standing there. 4. Nick

stopped smoking two months ago. 5. Swimming is useful. 6. Ann likes reading English books. 7. Going home I met a

friend of mine. 8. On coming home I found a letter on the table. You can improve your English by reading much. 10. He

likes reading books sitting in an armchair.


8.  Подчеркните придаточные предложения и определите их тип:


1. If we get tickets we shall go to the concert. 2. The books you are speaking about can be found in any shop.

3.Everybody knows that education in the USSR as free of charge I shall let you know when he comes. 5. He will

translate the article, if you give him a dictionary. 6. The information you sent us is of great importance. 7. There are many

facts in his biography we still don't know. 8. It is very important to translate the text about new achievements in biology.


9.  Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на эмфатический оборот: it is ( was ) : that ( who ):

Example : It was at our Institute that this problem arose.

Именно в нашем институте появилась эта проблема.


1.It is this fact that explains everything. 2. It was I who told her the news. 3. It was my friend who helped me in my work.

4. It was on the seventh of November, 1917, that the working people took power into their own hands. 5. It was on

Sunday when they met the delegation.


10.  Переведите текст на русский язык и ответьте на вопросы.






What are atoms?

Over two thousand years ago, about 400 B.C., the Greek philosopher Democritus tried to figure out what the world is

made up of and how it came to be the way it is. He came to the conclusion that all things are made up of tiny particles,

too small to be seen. There are many kinds of them and they are always moving about, sometimes combining, and

sometimes separating again. Democritus deserves tremendous credit for giving us this theory. In the past people believed

in many ideas which with new knowledge and experience later proved false. But all discoveries of science in over two

thousand years of work show that Democritus was right.

Further study has shown that the molecules are made up of still smaller particles known as atoms. Although there are

thousands of different molecules, there are only 103 different kinds of atoms. These 103 kinds of atoms are the building

blocks out of which all material things are made.


Notes : B . C . - до нашей эры

to figure out - рассчитывать, высчитывать

to make up - состоять, сост a влять

to come to the conclusion - прийти к заключению

proved false - оказались ошибочными

Questions: 1. What is the world made up of according to Democritus?

2. Did his theory prove right?

3. When and where did Democritus live?

4. What are the nature's building blocks?